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Hours of Operation
Driving Directions
Sawmill Park
The up-down sawmill
Water turbine
Circular sawmill
Lane shingle mill
Blacksmith shop
Ice harvesting tools
Root cellar
New England Sawmills
Ledyard sawmill history
Saving the Ledyard sawmill
National Register listing
Brown Family sawmills
The Baptist Browns
The Brown family tree
Avery Brown's sawmill
Ayers Mill and Shewville
The brothers Main
19th Century Mill Sites in Ledyard
Sash Sawmills
Types of Sawmills
What is a sash sawmill?
How the Ledyard Sawmill Works
Sash Sawmill Glossary
19th century references
Modern references
Links to Historic Sawmills
Hanging the millsaw
19th c. saw catalogs
Saw marks & sawn wood
Identifying Saw Marks
Lumber Characteristics
Moisture in Wood
Water turbines
Water wheels and turbines
Flutter wheels
Tyler turbine at the Ledyard sawmill
John Tyler's water turbines
Tyler turbine makers and patents
Water turbine references
Tyler salesman's model
Water Turbine Glossary
Types of turbines
Hours of Operation
Driving Directions
Sawmill Park
The up-down sawmill
Water turbine
Circular sawmill
Lane shingle mill
Blacksmith shop
Ice harvesting tools
Root cellar
New England Sawmills
Ledyard sawmill history
Saving the Ledyard sawmill
National Register listing
Brown Family sawmills
The Baptist Browns
The Brown family tree
Avery Brown's sawmill
Ayers Mill and Shewville
The brothers Main
19th Century Mill Sites in Ledyard
Sash Sawmills
Types of Sawmills
What is a sash sawmill?
How the Ledyard Sawmill Works
Sash Sawmill Glossary
19th century references
Modern references
Links to Historic Sawmills
Hanging the millsaw
19th c. saw catalogs
Saw marks & sawn wood
Identifying Saw Marks
Lumber Characteristics
Moisture in Wood
Water turbines
Water wheels and turbines
Flutter wheels
Tyler turbine at the Ledyard sawmill
John Tyler's water turbines
Tyler turbine makers and patents
Water turbine references
Tyler salesman's model
Water Turbine Glossary
Types of turbines
Hours of Operation
Driving Directions
Sawmill Park
The up-down sawmill
Water turbine
Circular sawmill
Lane shingle mill
Blacksmith shop
Ice harvesting tools
Root cellar
New England Sawmills
Ledyard sawmill history
Saving the Ledyard sawmill
National Register listing
Brown Family sawmills
The Baptist Browns
The Brown family tree
Avery Brown's sawmill
Ayers Mill and Shewville
The brothers Main
19th Century Mill Sites in Ledyard
Sash Sawmills
Types of Sawmills
What is a sash sawmill?
How the Ledyard Sawmill Works
Sash Sawmill Glossary
19th century references
Modern references
Links to Historic Sawmills
Hanging the millsaw
19th c. saw catalogs
Saw marks & sawn wood
Identifying Saw Marks
Lumber Characteristics
Moisture in Wood
Water turbines
Water wheels and turbines
Flutter wheels
Tyler turbine at the Ledyard sawmill
John Tyler's water turbines
Tyler turbine makers and patents
Water turbine references
Tyler salesman's model
Water Turbine Glossary
Types of turbines
Saw marks & sawn wood
Identifying saw marks
Lumber characteristics
Moisture in Wood
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