19th Century Mill Sites in Ledyard

Ledyard Connecticut (called North Groton prior to 1836), like other 19th century New England towns, had mills at nearly every suitable site for water-power. Many of these mills were on small, seasonal brooks and were a part-time source of income for the owners. The size of the brook, dry spells, and winter ice limited the power that could be generated and limited the times during the year when the mill could be operated.

Physical remains (dams or dam rubble, ponds, old foundations) provide clues to possible mill seats, but in many cases changes over the years have completely erased physical evidence of the site’s history. There are several 19th century map images available that mark mill sites and several of these have been used to construct the map below. In addition, Ledyard tax record summaries provide clues to mill ownership for cases in which mapped mills do not indicate the name of the mill.


Ledyard tax records. Jan Bell Historical Room, Bill Library, Ledyard, CT.Sources of historic map images of Connecticut include the Library of Congress and the University of Connecticut Library Historic Map Collection.Lester, William. Map of Windham and New London Counties. Map. New Haven: Daggett and Healy, 1833. Walling, H.F. Map of New London County, Connecticut. Map. Philadelphia: W. Baker, 1854. Beers, F.W. Atlas of New London County, Connecticut, From Actual Surveys. F.W. Beers & Co., 1868.

This map of mill sites is very likely incomplete. Have information on a mill site in Ledyard that is not listed? Please email us at info@ledyardsawmill.org